

Your feedback helps us shape future offerings, product improvements and the overall experience for our members. We’ve partnered with Support EXP to help collect your thoughts.

You’ll receive…


for loan surveys


for all other surveys

Eastman Shopper Vertical Pic

How It Works (hint: it’s easy!)

1. Sign up for the Feedback Forum (aka Service Shopper program)

2. You’ll receive one assignment per month (only 20-30 minutes on average)

3. Complete your transaction with the credit union

4. Fill out your survey online to tell us how we did

5. Get paid!

Ready to get started?

Board members, credit union employees and their family members are not eligible to participate. All applicants must be members of the credit union and will be verified. Compensation does not constitute an employment contract – it is simply a Thank You for your time. Shopper Rewards are subject to the terms and conditions of Support EXP.

For more information, email shopper help at: shopperhelp@supportexp.com or call 1-800-444-5465 Option 4.

To verify the integrity of Eastman Credit Union’s participation in the Service Shopper Program, please contact Ashley Stewart, Administrative Assistant, at agstewart@ecu.org or (423) 578-7337 or 1-800-999-2328.

© 2024 Support EXP. 836 E Franklin St, Centerville, OH 45459