ACSI Alert to Credit Unions: When Good News Becomes a Dire Warning!

We’re wrapping up the year with an upbeat, exclusive, client-only webinar celebrating the game-changing expansions and innovations we introduced during the year — and our plan for this presentation was to showcase our Relationship Builder and Talent Booster solutions that have been specifically designed for strengthening frontline execution. To keep it light and fun, we even titled the webinar, “Let It Show! Let It Show! Let It Show!” (Can you hear the music?)

But just a week before the event, a startling and sobering piece of news hit the credit union industry that made this year’s webinar particularly valuable for all of our credit union clients that attended — and served as a powerful call to action for them in the new year! Why was this session so vitally important for our clients?  An ACSI study published November 19 revealed that, for the first time EVER, banks have surpassed credit unions in customer satisfaction!

If that doesn’t get your attention … if that doesn’t compel you to do something to STOP and REVERSE that trend while you still can, the #1 competitive advantage that credit unions have enjoyed for DECADES will soon … and quickly … vanish — and your members won’t be far behind!

Our research, echoed by thought leaders across the service industry, clearly and emphatically shows that improving frontline execution is THE key to halting and reversing this horrifying trend.  Building a strong, uniform, consistent and dedicated service culture is the best strategy for protecting and growing your membership — and it needs to start NOW.

But be forewarned! The old-school management adage, “What gets measured, gets improved” is only partially true. Measurement by itself changes nothing. Even worse, measuring the wrong things in the wrong way compounds the problem.  It is only when the right things are being measured in the right way — and then get ACTED upon APPROPRIATELY — that any meaningful change can occur.

As we covered in our webinar, Relationship Builder — our advanced mystery shopping research engine — pinpoints opportunities to improve service and sales delivery across the frontline at the specific, behavioral level, provides a powerful window into each employee’s performance and tracks their progress in mastering the delivery of a best-in-class member service experience.  Then, Talent Booster — our self-directed, on-demand, individualized training module — provides immediate feedback to each employee and delivers specific instruction for correcting and improving the skills needing attention.

Imagine how your reviews would change if the service your members receive was continuously evaluated, informed, educated and coached toward best-in-class, elite execution.

To view the video recording of our ACSI Presentation, click here.

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