Future of CX Analytics

Written by Support EXP

Digital analytics trend chart coming out of tablet

Customer experience matters—now, more than ever. However, metrics and expectations are constantly changing, and it’s essential to stay ahead of the trends so you can continue to satisfy customers and meet their needs efficiently. Understanding the future of CX can help you know what to focus on, what to prioritize, and where to go with your CX in the next few years.

In this article, we’re addressing the future of CX analytics as we examine current trends, customer priorities, and digital solutions that we expect to see in the coming years.

Key Takeaways:

  • 73% of potential buyers attribute CX to their buying decisions.
  • Customers expect to be understood and receive personalized offers.
  • AI will be commonplace in anticipating customer needs.
  • Self-serve customer solutions and analytics will be very important to leverage for optimal CX.

Current Customer Experience Trends

In 2022, customer experience is continuing its accelerated transition to digital. This trend holds for both the analytics side of CX and the information-gathering side. For example, a customer might take an online survey about their experience, and the data might be synthesized via a digital data analytics dashboard. As consumers become more acclimated to shopping, working, and living online, the digital world offers incredible opportunities for improved customer experiences.

However, with these opportunities come potential obstacles as well. There was a time when an excellent customer experience or good quality customer service wasn’t of paramount importance to buyers. Those days are gone. As new technology takes the stage, customers can afford to be picky, coming into a purchase with high expectations.

What do these expectations look like for your business? According to a PWC survey, 73% of potential buyers say that customer experience is essential to their buying decisions, and 32% say they’d walk away from a brand they loved after just one bad customer experience.

The main takeaway? In 2022, customer experience matters a lot if you want to grow your business and maintain a loyal base. Fortunately, plenty of digital tools and technologies exist to help you out, but rising customer expectations mean it’s more important than ever to get it right.

What Is the Future of Customer Service?

The future of CX includes accelerated digital transitions as more and more companies use advanced software to ensure a good experience for their customers.

To meet increasingly high customer expectations, you’ll likely see greater personalization in the coming years. 52% of customers expect the offers they receive to always be personalized, and an impressive 66% take it for granted that companies will understand their unique needs. This personalization can take the form of a targeted email, a follow-up from customer service, or an online shopping experience that’s tailored to what a specific customer wants.

For more efficient processes, expect CX’s future to include more self-service options. Digital knowledge bases, chatbots, and other automated customer services free up your employees and allow visitors to solve their own problems on their own time. As digital technology evolves, we’ll likely see more advanced options for automated, self-serve customer experience.

With all this digitalization, there’s a possible downside we’ll begin to see. As bots take over from customer service reps and online surveys pop up, it will be easy for customers to lose a human-to-human connection with your business. To help customers feel connected, it will be more important than ever to prioritize a “digital solutions WITH real employees” approach rather than a “digital solutions INSTEAD OF real employees” mindset.

Predictive Customer Analytics

When it comes to predictive analytics, the future of CX will include lots of AI. In particular, expect companies to leverage AI to help them anticipate customer needs. Increasingly, analytics tools aren’t just summarizing past data; they’re predicting future trends and helping companies meet new customer goals as quickly as possible.

Expect new programs that use advanced artificial intelligence to identify and address coming trends.

CX in the Next 5-10 Years

Where do we go from here? In the next decade, we can expect continued interest in digital solutions. As self-serve customer solutions and digitalized analytics become more and more common, it will be more important than ever to leverage digital tools while still giving customers a personal connection with your business.

When it comes to analytics, the most effective CX analytics will be those providing insights that show where you are and the correct path forward based on identified priorities. The best CX analytics programs won’t just react; they’ll proactively suggest actions to help you move forward and deliver a positive customer experience for increasingly discriminating buyers.

How can you navigate the ever-changing field of CX analytics? If you need a helping hand, Support EXP is here for you! We offer top-notch analytics, targeted CX research, and user-experience optimization. Our solutions focus on giving you the most effective, streamlined customer service.

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