Mystery Shopping Program for Banks and Credit Unions

Target service and sales behaviors to strengthen frontline execution and build customer loyalty.

Relationship Builder captures and analyzes customer feedback at every touchpoint of your credit union or bank to guide you to unmatched performance.

banking customers experiencing frontline service

Achieve world-class performance through mastery of key frontline service and sales skills

Relationship Builder goes far beyond traditional mystery shopping programs, using deep, behavioral level, frontline evaluations from your own customers interacting in real experiences with your frontline employees across all delivery channels. You get authentic skill-level data for managerial coaching and development of frontline execution with best-in-class standards.

Provide self-directed employee training

Equip your frontline employees with the resources to learn and master specific skills for delivering best-in-class service experiences. Instill accountability for professional development as well as for the customer experience.

Improve customers' digital experience

Ensure that your online and mobile banking channels consistently meet customer expectations of a low-effort digital experience backed up by reliable human support.

Measure frontline execution.
Deliver better CX.

Relationship Builder closes the gap between what frontline employees are expected to do and what they’re actually doing. It empowers managers to coach the actual skills that need to be learned, developed and mastered to provide great service.

Voice-of-Your-Customer analytics show at the behavioral level where each employee needs to focus learning and development efforts, equipping them with the skill-specific knowledge to deliver a consistently excellent experience.

financial consumers receiving excellent service

Leverage real customers as your mystery shoppers

Other mystery shopping programs employ independent shoppers or even use untrained people from their own organization. Our shopper engagement team invites, recruits, equips, trains, and develops your own customers to evaluate a real service experience based on time-tested dimensions of customer service and your own service standards. We build and sustain a very engaged and educated customer-evaluator pool.

bank or credit union customers performing ATM transactions
analyst presenting insights from feedback data to executives

Equip frontline managers with coaching skills and the tools they need to grow

Your managers learn to develop, coach and inspire their team members so that they learn, demonstrate and ultimately master the specific service and sales skills necessary for engaging your customers in a way that builds relationships, rather than in a purely transactional approach. The expected results: customers stay with you, buy more from you, and tell others about you in a positive way.

Improve in-person and digital service delivery

Customer evaluations of their digital experiences reveal strengths and opportunities for improvement from both the human and digital sides of the experience. You get exactly what you need to know to act decisively to remove friction in the digital user experience, and to provide the human support when and as your customers need it.

customer service representative delivering a world-class experience

Find out how your frontline execution is impacting your customer loyalty