Customer Experience Survey Platform for Banks and Credit Unions

Pinpoint friction, identify root causes, and drive service recovery with precision.

Insight Builder, the comprehensive survey platform for real-time customer feedback and analytics for Credit Unions and Banks.

team analyzing customer experience survey results
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Real-time NPS, CES and CSAT analytics

Having a clear understanding of your customers means using the right CX metrics, including leading indicators you can act on to get you to your goals. Each CX metric gives you a different view of your customer experience. We get you to the WHY behind the number so that you can make informed decisions that will positively impact customer satisfaction, loyalty, and your bottom line.

Optimize digital banking channels

Digital banking is today's first choice for many financial consumers. Measure and optimize your online and mobile banking channels, as well as the human support behind them.

Manage and share ratings + reviews

Build trust in your bank or credit union brand by sharing ratings and reviews from customer surveys on your website. Let your best customers be your biggest promoters!

Generate leads from customer surveys

Use customer surveys and real-time alerts to uncover opportunities to put you in first place when your customers are looking for financial products and services.

Track individual employee CX accountability

Use individual-level feedback to strengthen employee accountability for CX and inform training needed to consistently meet service standards in frontline performance.

Win Loyalty with Alert Management

Intercept customer attrition before it impacts your bottom line.

When friction interrupts the customer journey, our industry-leading closed-loop alert system notifies you in real-time – so you can act to rescue the relationship before they are out the door!

credit union team member responding to survey alert

Identify friction within the customer journey

The #1 reason people leave their financial institution is the friction they encounter in their experiences. To tackle CX friction, you must first identify its source. Is it caused by your products, your people, your processes, or your channels? Without pinpointing where the friction originates, it is impossible to address it.

analyst collecting insights from customer survey data
team members viewing the analytics of their survey feedback

Reveal the "why" behind your CX survey scores and metrics

The EXP Actionable Analytics Portal collects and presents all of your real-time feedback data and CX metrics. Then it provides the actionable insights you need to understand your survey data and turn it into timely, impactful action.

Inform strategy through targeted CX research

When specific CX-related challenges demand attention, we quickly get you answers that accurately inform your decision-making and accelerate effective action.

analyst presenting data trends and outcomes to team

Find out how friction in your customer experience is impacting your bottom line